2/8/18 - Former visiting Postdoc, Mike Inkpen, will start his Assistant Professor position at USC in January 2019.
12/15/18 - The call for nominations for the Future Faculty Symposium is out!
11/10/17 - The group welcomes first-year students Kaia and Emily!
11/9/17 - Our work was highlighted by C&E News.
10/27/17 - Our latest paper appears in Science Advances.
10/12/17 - Our Preview article appears in Chem (Cell Press).
9/14/17 - The latest paper appears in Advanced Materials. The paper was also selected as a Hot Topic Article by Wiley VCH.
9/12/17 - Rachel receives the Ferguson Fellowship from CU.
9/1/17 - Our latest paper appears in JACS, and check out that TOC!
8/21/17 - Luis is featured in the ACS Show Daily Magazine.
8/20/17 - The group attended the ACS Meeting in DC, where Anastasia, Lauren, Jonathan, Sebastian, and Mike presented their research.
8/16/17 - Sam receives the 2017 Edward Prince Goldman Scholarship in Science.
8/7/17 - The latest paper appears on Chem. Eur. J.
7/29/17 - A perspective on designing polyelectrolytes can now be found online, published by the Journal of Polymer Science.
7/17/17 - Our latest publication appears in Science Advances.
7/14/17 - The Campos and Fors groups took the first annual camping trip, and it was awesome.
6/15/17 - Spencer gave a talk at the GRS Polymers meeting, and he was selected to give a talk at the main GRC Polymers meeting. Two talks in one week!
6/6/17 - Our paper appears on the cover of Chemical Communications.
6/5/17 - Luis receives the 2017 JPS Innovation Award.
5/10/17 - Congratulations to Sam for winning the NSF Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide award! He'll be heading out to Sydney to work in the lab of our collaborator, Dane McCamey.
4/25/17 - The latest publication appears in Chemical Communications.
4/22/17 - The group joins the Science March, NYC.
4/18/17 - The latest publication appears in ACS Nano.
4/7/17 - The latest publication appears in Chemical Science.
4/1/17 - The group welcomes Professor Avi Domb from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
4/1/17 - Check out the lineup for the 2017 ACS PMSE Young Investigators Symposium, organized by Luis and Jeannette Garcia (IBM).
3/30/17 - Isaac wins the 2017 Society Fellowship!
3/27/17 - Our appears on the cover of Polymers.
1/23/17 - Our work is highlighted by C&E News, focusing on the collaboration with Venkataraman and Neaton.
12/15/16 - An overview on singlet fission is now available online from Advanced Materials.
11/4/16 - The group welcomes Rachel Starr and Wenxiao Wang!
10/17/16 - Our latest work, a collaboration with Dane McCamey at UNSW and Matt Sfeir at BNL appears in Nature Physics.
10/7/16 - Jessica Freyer will make her TV debut on the hit variety show Harry this coming Monday, October 10. Make sure to tune in!
9/20/16 - For postdoc appreciation week, check out this article in Science Careers.
9/16/16 - The group welcomes Dr. Ramya Raghunathan as the latest member.
9/6/16 - Helen Tran successfully defended her graduate work, and now she's off to Stanford to work under the supervision of Professor Zhenan Bao. Dr. Tran is the first PhD student from the Campos Group.
9/3/16 - The latest paper from our group appears in Chem (Cell Press).
8/31/16 - The latest paper from our group: Angewandte Chemie.
8/21/16 - Luis is featured in C&E News magazine Talented 12.
8/20/16 - The entire group is attending the ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia. Check out the talks from our group members:
8/7/16 - Elango Kumarasamy wins the poster prize at the GRS on Electron Donor-Acceptor Interactions, in Rhode Island.
6/7/16 - Jonathan Low wins the poster prize at the GRC on Electronic Processes in Organic Materials, in Italy.
6/1/16 - The group hosts 7th grade students form Children Zone Promise Academy 2 in our event PhD for a Day!
5/25/16 - Our research is featured on the cover of the May issue of ACS Central Science.
5/18/16 - Our latest paper appears in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
5/17/16 - Our latest paper appears in Nano Letters.
5/16/16 - Helen receives the prestigious Pegram Award from the Department of Chemistry.
Cinco de Mayo, 2016 - Our latest publication appears in ACS Central Science.
5/1/16 - Luis receives the Columbia University Presidential Teaching Award.
4/17/16 - The group welcomes Professor Elizabeth Amir from Shenkar University, who will be doing research in our labs over the next month.
4/11/16 - Stayed tuned for the abstract submission deadline to the MRS. Make sure to check out the symposium that Luis is co-organizing: Redox Activity on the Molecular Level - Fundamental Studies and Applications.
3/1/16 - Luis becomes a member of the Advisory Board of Chemical Society Reviews.
2/29/16 - Luis is awarded the first Polymers Young Investigator Award.
2/9/16 - Our latest paper appears in Macromolecules.
2/2/16 - Our latest paper paper appears in Angewandte Chemie.
1/11/16 - A vignette highlighting the Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award to Luis appears in C&EN News.
1/6/16 - Luis receives the 2016 Inter-American Photochemical Society Young Investigator Award.
12/17/15 - Luis hosts Thank You, Robot, an improv comedy team, for the last lecture of Organic Chemistry. The show, Science Exclamation Point, involved a 5 min lecture by Professor Venkataraman on single molecule electronics, which was followed the improv comedy act.
12/17/15 - Anastasia, Jessica, Spencer, and Andrew team up with the Venkataraman Group in a fun outreach activity with 7th graders at Children's Promise Academy 2 in Harlem.
11/6/15 - The group welcomes Lauren Yablon, first year graduate student.
11/01/15 - The group welcomes Dr. Xiaodong Yin as Postdoctoral Scientist.
9/4/15 - Congratulations to Helen for receiving the ICMR International Fellowship!
9/2/15 - The latest work appears in ACS Macro Letters
8/17/15 - Luis receives the Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award
You can read the release in C&EN News
8/1/15 - Our latest publications appear in Chem. Mater. and JACS.
7/7/15 - The group welcomes many wonderful visitors full of energy and ideas!
6/13/15 - This summer, learn about our research at various conferences:
[in reverse chronological order]
5/25/15 - Our latest paper appears in Nature Nanotechnology.
Also featured in:
Nature Nanotechnology News and Views, written by Juan Carlos Cuevas.
News of the Week in C&EN News.
The Economic Times, a newspaper in India.
Tech Fragments Sci-News
Nature World Report
Azo Materials
Columbia Engineering Newswise
Nano Werk
News Gram
Crazy Engineers
Futurist Tech Info
Tech Sources
R&D Magazine
ZME Science
Ciencia Plus
5/5/15 - Congratulations to Spencer for winning the Miller Teaching Award and the 2015 Presidential Teaching Award!
4/30/15 - Luis receives the ONR Young Investigator Award.
4/23/15 - Congratulations to Liangliang, who will be moving to Shanghai to start his new position as a Professor at Fudan University!
4/17/15 - Our latest publication appears in Macromolecules.
4/15/15 - Congratulations our undergrads who are going to graduate school!
3/23/15 - Helen gave an outstanding talk on block copolymer self-assembly at the ACS Meeting in Denver.
3/21/15 - Elliot is awarded the Hugh Stott Taylor Merit Prize from Princeton University, where he will attend graduate school in the Fall of 2015. Congratulations!
3/6/15 - Our patent is highlighted by Columbia Technology Ventures.
3/2/15 - Our work on singlet fission is highlighted by C&EN News.
2/27/15 - Luis receives the RCSA Cottrell Scholar Award.
2/20/15 - Our article on oligoTDOs is highlighted in the 7th issue of Nature Chemistry.
2/05/15 - Our latest paper appears in J. Phys. Chem. B
2/02/15 - Our latest paper appears in Nature Chemistry.
1/14/15 - Luis and Arthi Jayaraman were voted to be co-chairs for the Gordon Research Conference on Macromolecular Materials!
Jessica was elected to be the Chair for the GRS Meeting in 2017!
1/12/15 - Our latest paper appears in Nature Materials.
Featured in:
Solar Novus Today
BNL Newsroom
Jersey Tribune
Nano Magazine
NanoTech Now
AAAS EurekAlert!
Science & Technology Research News
TG Techno
Just Science News
1/10/15 - Congratulations to Jonathan for receiving the Best Presentation Award in Symposium Q at the MRS Meeting in Boston!
1/9/15 - Our laterst paper appears in Nature Communications. The article is open access.
12/15/18 - The call for nominations for the Future Faculty Symposium is out!
11/10/17 - The group welcomes first-year students Kaia and Emily!
11/9/17 - Our work was highlighted by C&E News.
10/27/17 - Our latest paper appears in Science Advances.
10/12/17 - Our Preview article appears in Chem (Cell Press).
9/14/17 - The latest paper appears in Advanced Materials. The paper was also selected as a Hot Topic Article by Wiley VCH.
9/12/17 - Rachel receives the Ferguson Fellowship from CU.
9/1/17 - Our latest paper appears in JACS, and check out that TOC!
8/21/17 - Luis is featured in the ACS Show Daily Magazine.
8/20/17 - The group attended the ACS Meeting in DC, where Anastasia, Lauren, Jonathan, Sebastian, and Mike presented their research.
8/16/17 - Sam receives the 2017 Edward Prince Goldman Scholarship in Science.
8/7/17 - The latest paper appears on Chem. Eur. J.
7/29/17 - A perspective on designing polyelectrolytes can now be found online, published by the Journal of Polymer Science.
7/17/17 - Our latest publication appears in Science Advances.
7/14/17 - The Campos and Fors groups took the first annual camping trip, and it was awesome.
6/15/17 - Spencer gave a talk at the GRS Polymers meeting, and he was selected to give a talk at the main GRC Polymers meeting. Two talks in one week!
6/6/17 - Our paper appears on the cover of Chemical Communications.
6/5/17 - Luis receives the 2017 JPS Innovation Award.
5/10/17 - Congratulations to Sam for winning the NSF Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide award! He'll be heading out to Sydney to work in the lab of our collaborator, Dane McCamey.
4/25/17 - The latest publication appears in Chemical Communications.
4/22/17 - The group joins the Science March, NYC.
4/18/17 - The latest publication appears in ACS Nano.
4/7/17 - The latest publication appears in Chemical Science.
4/1/17 - The group welcomes Professor Avi Domb from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
4/1/17 - Check out the lineup for the 2017 ACS PMSE Young Investigators Symposium, organized by Luis and Jeannette Garcia (IBM).
3/30/17 - Isaac wins the 2017 Society Fellowship!
3/27/17 - Our appears on the cover of Polymers.
1/23/17 - Our work is highlighted by C&E News, focusing on the collaboration with Venkataraman and Neaton.
12/15/16 - An overview on singlet fission is now available online from Advanced Materials.
11/4/16 - The group welcomes Rachel Starr and Wenxiao Wang!
10/17/16 - Our latest work, a collaboration with Dane McCamey at UNSW and Matt Sfeir at BNL appears in Nature Physics.
- See the News & Views by Wasielewski.
10/7/16 - Jessica Freyer will make her TV debut on the hit variety show Harry this coming Monday, October 10. Make sure to tune in!
9/20/16 - For postdoc appreciation week, check out this article in Science Careers.
9/16/16 - The group welcomes Dr. Ramya Raghunathan as the latest member.
9/6/16 - Helen Tran successfully defended her graduate work, and now she's off to Stanford to work under the supervision of Professor Zhenan Bao. Dr. Tran is the first PhD student from the Campos Group.
9/3/16 - The latest paper from our group appears in Chem (Cell Press).
- This paper was highlighted by Science Magazine, as the Editor's Choice.
8/31/16 - The latest paper from our group: Angewandte Chemie.
8/21/16 - Luis is featured in C&E News magazine Talented 12.
8/20/16 - The entire group is attending the ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia. Check out the talks from our group members:
- Elango Kumarasamy (singlet fission)
- Luis Campos (T-12 symposium)
- Luis Campos (Cope Scholar Award lecture)
- Luis Campos (Award symposium for Maxwell Robb)
- Jessica Freyer (polyelectrolytes)
- Spencer Brucks (gene delivery and imaging)
- Andrew Pun (singlet fission)
- Jonathan Low (single-molecule transport)
- Helen Tran (lithography)
- Anastasia Voevodin (superatom solids)
- Xiadong Yin (single-molecule electronics)
- Michael Inkpen (single-molecule electronics)
8/7/16 - Elango Kumarasamy wins the poster prize at the GRS on Electron Donor-Acceptor Interactions, in Rhode Island.
6/7/16 - Jonathan Low wins the poster prize at the GRC on Electronic Processes in Organic Materials, in Italy.
- See the official announcement by the journal Organic Electronics.
6/1/16 - The group hosts 7th grade students form Children Zone Promise Academy 2 in our event PhD for a Day!
5/25/16 - Our research is featured on the cover of the May issue of ACS Central Science.
5/18/16 - Our latest paper appears in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
5/17/16 - Our latest paper appears in Nano Letters.
5/16/16 - Helen receives the prestigious Pegram Award from the Department of Chemistry.
Cinco de Mayo, 2016 - Our latest publication appears in ACS Central Science.
- ...and Luis receives the 2016 Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award.
5/1/16 - Luis receives the Columbia University Presidential Teaching Award.
4/17/16 - The group welcomes Professor Elizabeth Amir from Shenkar University, who will be doing research in our labs over the next month.
4/11/16 - Stayed tuned for the abstract submission deadline to the MRS. Make sure to check out the symposium that Luis is co-organizing: Redox Activity on the Molecular Level - Fundamental Studies and Applications.
3/1/16 - Luis becomes a member of the Advisory Board of Chemical Society Reviews.
2/29/16 - Luis is awarded the first Polymers Young Investigator Award.
2/9/16 - Our latest paper appears in Macromolecules.
2/2/16 - Our latest paper paper appears in Angewandte Chemie.
- Selected as Hot Topic by Wiley-VCH.
1/11/16 - A vignette highlighting the Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award to Luis appears in C&EN News.
1/6/16 - Luis receives the 2016 Inter-American Photochemical Society Young Investigator Award.
12/17/15 - Luis hosts Thank You, Robot, an improv comedy team, for the last lecture of Organic Chemistry. The show, Science Exclamation Point, involved a 5 min lecture by Professor Venkataraman on single molecule electronics, which was followed the improv comedy act.
12/17/15 - Anastasia, Jessica, Spencer, and Andrew team up with the Venkataraman Group in a fun outreach activity with 7th graders at Children's Promise Academy 2 in Harlem.
11/6/15 - The group welcomes Lauren Yablon, first year graduate student.
11/01/15 - The group welcomes Dr. Xiaodong Yin as Postdoctoral Scientist.
9/4/15 - Congratulations to Helen for receiving the ICMR International Fellowship!
9/2/15 - The latest work appears in ACS Macro Letters
8/17/15 - Luis receives the Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award
You can read the release in C&EN News
8/1/15 - Our latest publications appear in Chem. Mater. and JACS.
7/7/15 - The group welcomes many wonderful visitors full of energy and ideas!
- Maria Escamilla (Undergraduate at CSU Los Angeles)
- Mengzhen Sun (Undergraduate at Tsinghua University)
- Abir Abdullah (High School)
- Nour Jedidi (High School)
6/13/15 - This summer, learn about our research at various conferences:
[in reverse chronological order]
- Harry presents at the ACS National Meeting in Boston.
- Jessica presents at the ACS National Meeting in Boston.
- Luis presents at the ACS National Meeting in Boston.
- Luis presents at the International Symposium on Functional pi-Electron Systems.
- Luis presents at GRC Photochemistry.
- Spencer presents at the KIAS Workshop on Polymers (poster), Yonsei University, and Sogang University.
- Sam presents at the Singlet Fission Workshop.
- Luis presents at the GRC Physical Organic Chemistry.
- Elango presents at the GRS (talk) and GRC Physical Organic Chemistry (poster).
- Helen presents at the GRS (talk) and GRC Polymers (poster).
5/25/15 - Our latest paper appears in Nature Nanotechnology.
Also featured in:
Nature Nanotechnology News and Views, written by Juan Carlos Cuevas.
News of the Week in C&EN News.
The Economic Times, a newspaper in India.
Tech Fragments Sci-News
Nature World Report
Azo Materials
Columbia Engineering Newswise
Nano Werk
News Gram
Crazy Engineers
Futurist Tech Info
Tech Sources
R&D Magazine
ZME Science
Ciencia Plus
5/5/15 - Congratulations to Spencer for winning the Miller Teaching Award and the 2015 Presidential Teaching Award!
4/30/15 - Luis receives the ONR Young Investigator Award.
4/23/15 - Congratulations to Liangliang, who will be moving to Shanghai to start his new position as a Professor at Fudan University!
4/17/15 - Our latest publication appears in Macromolecules.
4/15/15 - Congratulations our undergrads who are going to graduate school!
- Elliot Taffet to Princeton
- Jose Ricardo Moreno to USC
- Doreen Chan to Stanford
3/23/15 - Helen gave an outstanding talk on block copolymer self-assembly at the ACS Meeting in Denver.
3/21/15 - Elliot is awarded the Hugh Stott Taylor Merit Prize from Princeton University, where he will attend graduate school in the Fall of 2015. Congratulations!
3/6/15 - Our patent is highlighted by Columbia Technology Ventures.
3/2/15 - Our work on singlet fission is highlighted by C&EN News.
2/27/15 - Luis receives the RCSA Cottrell Scholar Award.
2/20/15 - Our article on oligoTDOs is highlighted in the 7th issue of Nature Chemistry.
2/05/15 - Our latest paper appears in J. Phys. Chem. B
2/02/15 - Our latest paper appears in Nature Chemistry.
1/14/15 - Luis and Arthi Jayaraman were voted to be co-chairs for the Gordon Research Conference on Macromolecular Materials!
Jessica was elected to be the Chair for the GRS Meeting in 2017!
1/12/15 - Our latest paper appears in Nature Materials.
Featured in:
Solar Novus Today
BNL Newsroom
Jersey Tribune
Nano Magazine
NanoTech Now
AAAS EurekAlert!
Science & Technology Research News
TG Techno
Just Science News
1/10/15 - Congratulations to Jonathan for receiving the Best Presentation Award in Symposium Q at the MRS Meeting in Boston!
1/9/15 - Our laterst paper appears in Nature Communications. The article is open access.
12/20/14 - Learn about our work this coming January:
Jessica will give a talk at the GRS Macromolecular Materials
Luis will give a talk at the GRC Macromolecular Materials
and at the 24th Winter I-APS Conference, where Elango will also present his work from his graduate research.
12/11/14 - Jianlong will be starting as a Professor in Chemistry at Wuhan University of Technology. Congratulations!
12/02/14 - Jonathan gave an outstanding presentation at the MRS Meeting in Boston, in addition to chairing a session. At the same meeting Helen chaired a session and was in charge of getting speakers set up throughout the entire meeting.
12/01/14 - Luis Campos (Columbia), Alejandro Brisenio (UMass Amherst), Alan Aspuru-Guzik (Harvard), and Guillermo Bazan (UCSB) organized a symposium at the MRS Boston on Fundamentals of Organic Semiconductors.
11/17/14 - The group welcomes Dr. Elango Kumarasamy!
11/07/14 - @SomosCampos welcomes the newest graduate students to the team: Anastasia, Sebastian, and Andrew.
11/02/14 - Our latest paper appears in ACS Nano.
10/10/14 - Luis will give a student-invited lecture at the University of Pennsylvania.
10/08/14 - Jianlong wins the Chutian Scholar Fellowship from the Hubei Province in China. Congratulations!!
10/03/14 - The group welcomes Dr. George Barnes! He will be visiting for 3 months.
09/17/14 - The latest paper appears in J. Polym. Sci. Polym. Phys., and it's represented in the
Journal Cover
09/11/14 - Our lates publication appears in JACS.
09/02/14 - The group welcomes Elliot (post-bac student) and Harry (UG) to the team!
08/27/14 - Call for papers (submission deadline is 10/20/14): Design Principles of Functional Macromolecular Materials (PMSE Symposium)
ACS National Meeting, Denver 2015.
Organizers: Luis M. Campos, Emily Pentzer, Karen Wooley, and AJ Boydston
08/20/14 - In the news, @ Nanotech Web.
08/14/14 - Check out the latest paper published in Nano Lett.
07/18/14 - Our latest publication appears in Chemical Communications.
07/15/14 - Learn about our work this August at the following conferences:
GRC Electron Donor-Acceptor Interactions
ACS Meeting: National Fresenius Award - Symposium in Honor of William Dichtel
ACS Meeting: Advanced Materials Synthesis and Assembly Toward Technology Challenges
07/08/14 - Our latest publication appears in JACS.
06/12/14 - Moments in Materials (MiMs) Seminars are back for the summer! Click here for the full schedule.
06/09/14 - We are awarded the ACS Petroleum Research Fund DNI Grant.
06/04/14 - Our research on quantum interference is highlighted in Nature Nanotechnology
05/09/14 - Congratulations to Yivan for winning the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry Award for Outstanding Senior Organic Chemistry Student!
04/18/14 - Our latest paper appears in Nano Letters.
Nanotech Web Technology Update.
04/01/14 - Sam receives the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Congratulations!
03/11/14 - Luis receives the 3M Nontenured Faculty Award.
01/22/14 - Our latest paper appears in Angewandte Chemie.
01/16/14 - Our highlight is one of 2013's most accessed Soft Matter articles.
Jessica will give a talk at the GRS Macromolecular Materials
Luis will give a talk at the GRC Macromolecular Materials
and at the 24th Winter I-APS Conference, where Elango will also present his work from his graduate research.
12/11/14 - Jianlong will be starting as a Professor in Chemistry at Wuhan University of Technology. Congratulations!
12/02/14 - Jonathan gave an outstanding presentation at the MRS Meeting in Boston, in addition to chairing a session. At the same meeting Helen chaired a session and was in charge of getting speakers set up throughout the entire meeting.
12/01/14 - Luis Campos (Columbia), Alejandro Brisenio (UMass Amherst), Alan Aspuru-Guzik (Harvard), and Guillermo Bazan (UCSB) organized a symposium at the MRS Boston on Fundamentals of Organic Semiconductors.
11/17/14 - The group welcomes Dr. Elango Kumarasamy!
11/07/14 - @SomosCampos welcomes the newest graduate students to the team: Anastasia, Sebastian, and Andrew.
11/02/14 - Our latest paper appears in ACS Nano.
10/10/14 - Luis will give a student-invited lecture at the University of Pennsylvania.
10/08/14 - Jianlong wins the Chutian Scholar Fellowship from the Hubei Province in China. Congratulations!!
10/03/14 - The group welcomes Dr. George Barnes! He will be visiting for 3 months.
09/17/14 - The latest paper appears in J. Polym. Sci. Polym. Phys., and it's represented in the
Journal Cover
09/11/14 - Our lates publication appears in JACS.
09/02/14 - The group welcomes Elliot (post-bac student) and Harry (UG) to the team!
08/27/14 - Call for papers (submission deadline is 10/20/14): Design Principles of Functional Macromolecular Materials (PMSE Symposium)
ACS National Meeting, Denver 2015.
Organizers: Luis M. Campos, Emily Pentzer, Karen Wooley, and AJ Boydston
08/20/14 - In the news, @ Nanotech Web.
08/14/14 - Check out the latest paper published in Nano Lett.
07/18/14 - Our latest publication appears in Chemical Communications.
07/15/14 - Learn about our work this August at the following conferences:
GRC Electron Donor-Acceptor Interactions
ACS Meeting: National Fresenius Award - Symposium in Honor of William Dichtel
ACS Meeting: Advanced Materials Synthesis and Assembly Toward Technology Challenges
07/08/14 - Our latest publication appears in JACS.
06/12/14 - Moments in Materials (MiMs) Seminars are back for the summer! Click here for the full schedule.
06/09/14 - We are awarded the ACS Petroleum Research Fund DNI Grant.
06/04/14 - Our research on quantum interference is highlighted in Nature Nanotechnology
05/09/14 - Congratulations to Yivan for winning the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry Award for Outstanding Senior Organic Chemistry Student!
04/18/14 - Our latest paper appears in Nano Letters.
Nanotech Web Technology Update.
04/01/14 - Sam receives the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Congratulations!
03/11/14 - Luis receives the 3M Nontenured Faculty Award.
01/22/14 - Our latest paper appears in Angewandte Chemie.
01/16/14 - Our highlight is one of 2013's most accessed Soft Matter articles.
12/30/13 - Luis receives the NSF CAREER Award.
12/19/13 - Music videos about organic chemistry are in, and making it around the web:
Columbia Spectator
12/10/13 - Our review on polyelectrolytes has been accepted for publication inPolymer.
12/04/13 - We present our research at the Materials Research Society Meeting in Boston. Luis and Helen gave talks, while Jianlong and Emma gave poster presentations.
11/08/13 - The group welcomes first-year graduate students: Jessica, Jonathan, Sam, & Spencer!
11/01/13 - The latest publication appers in Science.
09/23/13 - Luis gives a talk at Steven's Institute of Technology, Nanoseminars.
08/01/13 - We report the impact of molecular symmetry on single-molecule conductance in J. Am. Chem. Soc.
07/19/13 - Our paper on block copolymers that form 10-15 nm features appears inACS Macro Letters.
07/03/13 - Luis is selected as a 2014 PMSE Young Investigator.
07/01/13 - The group welcomes summer students: Jessica Freyer, Doreen Chan, and Sam Sanders
06/29/13 - Congratulations to Emma for winning a poster prize at the GRC!!!
05/20/13 - Congratulations to Emma for winning the Miller Award for excellence in teaching!
05/20/13 - The latest results on organic monoliths have been published in ACS Nano.
05/15/13 - We welcome Dr. Liangliang Zhu to the group!
04/24/13 - Emma was selected to give an oral presentation at the Gordon Research Seminar - Physical Organic Chemistry, in Holderness NH. She will also present a poster at the Gordon Research Conference.
04/09/13 - C&EN News article on Rozen's reagent
04/03/13 - Congratualtions to Nevette for winning the prestigious NDSEG fellowship from the DoD!
03/12/13 - Helen was selected to give an oral presentation at the Gordon Research Seminar - Polymers, in Mount Holyoke. She will also present a poster at the Gordon Research Conference.
03/08/13 - Our highlight on patterning biomolecules is out! Click here for the article
02/22/13 - Congratulations to Yivan for winning the Columbia SURF Amgen Scholarship!
12/19/13 - Music videos about organic chemistry are in, and making it around the web:
Columbia Spectator
12/10/13 - Our review on polyelectrolytes has been accepted for publication inPolymer.
12/04/13 - We present our research at the Materials Research Society Meeting in Boston. Luis and Helen gave talks, while Jianlong and Emma gave poster presentations.
11/08/13 - The group welcomes first-year graduate students: Jessica, Jonathan, Sam, & Spencer!
11/01/13 - The latest publication appers in Science.
09/23/13 - Luis gives a talk at Steven's Institute of Technology, Nanoseminars.
08/01/13 - We report the impact of molecular symmetry on single-molecule conductance in J. Am. Chem. Soc.
07/19/13 - Our paper on block copolymers that form 10-15 nm features appears inACS Macro Letters.
07/03/13 - Luis is selected as a 2014 PMSE Young Investigator.
07/01/13 - The group welcomes summer students: Jessica Freyer, Doreen Chan, and Sam Sanders
06/29/13 - Congratulations to Emma for winning a poster prize at the GRC!!!
05/20/13 - Congratulations to Emma for winning the Miller Award for excellence in teaching!
05/20/13 - The latest results on organic monoliths have been published in ACS Nano.
05/15/13 - We welcome Dr. Liangliang Zhu to the group!
04/24/13 - Emma was selected to give an oral presentation at the Gordon Research Seminar - Physical Organic Chemistry, in Holderness NH. She will also present a poster at the Gordon Research Conference.
04/09/13 - C&EN News article on Rozen's reagent
04/03/13 - Congratualtions to Nevette for winning the prestigious NDSEG fellowship from the DoD!
03/12/13 - Helen was selected to give an oral presentation at the Gordon Research Seminar - Polymers, in Mount Holyoke. She will also present a poster at the Gordon Research Conference.
03/08/13 - Our highlight on patterning biomolecules is out! Click here for the article
02/22/13 - Congratulations to Yivan for winning the Columbia SURF Amgen Scholarship!
12/26/12 - New materials for polymer pen lithography. This article was in collaboration with the Braunschweig Group at the University of Miami.
Click here to see the journal cover.
12/06/12 - Check out the new organic chemistry music videos... click here
11/19/12 - The group welcomes Rui Song, first year graduate student.
11/12/12 - Nevette receives the Ferguson Fellowship. Congratulations!
10/17/12 - Congratulations to Nevette for a Carl Storm URM Fellowship to present a poster at the 2013 Gordon Research Conference on Macromolecular Materials.
07/01/12 - The group welcomes Dr. Jianlog Xia and summer students Maryam Yoon, Michael Gaschler, & Michael Campos.
06/13/12 - Congratualtions to Emma for winning the prestigious HHMI International Student Research Fellowship.
06/05/12 - Our paper on patterning biomolecules by block copolymer self-assembly appears in ACS Macro Letters.
05/08/12 - Emma's Highlight on Rozen's reagent appears in the Journal of Materials Chemistry.
04/30/12 - Helen's undergraduate researh project was highlighted by the berkeley science review. read more here.
04/16/12 - Congratulations to Helen for being awarded the National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship.
04/06/12 - Congratulations to Phil and Nevette for receiving Honorable Mention by the Ford Foundation.
03/30/12 - Helen receives the NSF Predoctoral Fellowship.
Phil receives Honorable Mention by the NSF Predoctoral Fellowship.
Congratulations to both!
12/08/11 - Music videos are in! Check out the CHEM 3443 link on the left menu to view some highlights of the submissions.
11/29/11 - Ketene precursors can be engineered to be activated at much lower temperatures than before! the compounds are described in the recent article published in Chemical Science.
11/18/11 - Check out the new paper, published in Polymer Chemistry, that describes the synthesis and processing of acid cleavable diblock copolymers.
11/11/11 - The group officially doubles in size.
Welcome: Nevette, Phil, and Helen!!
10/01/11 - The group welcomes Dr. Ryan Shade!
09/15/11 - Check out the new article in Langmuir describing a strategy for antifouling coatings.
08/19/11 - How do you make single crystalline ZnO nanorods, you ask? check out our recent paper published in J. Mater. Chem.
08/09/11 - The synthesis of Poly(allyl glycidyl ether) was reported in JPSA.
08/01/11 - Our paper on the dendrimer-templated assembly of peptide amphiphiles appeared in Nano Letters.
07/20/11 - Emma was awarded the Dow Chemical Fellowship administered by the American Australian Association.
06/13/11 - The group relocates to the new lab space on the 13th floor of the Northwest Corner Building.
06/08/11 - Our paper on the synthesis and properties of functional azulenes appeared in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
04/05/11 - Michael was awarded the NSF Graduate Fellowship
Click here to see the journal cover.
12/06/12 - Check out the new organic chemistry music videos... click here
11/19/12 - The group welcomes Rui Song, first year graduate student.
11/12/12 - Nevette receives the Ferguson Fellowship. Congratulations!
10/17/12 - Congratulations to Nevette for a Carl Storm URM Fellowship to present a poster at the 2013 Gordon Research Conference on Macromolecular Materials.
07/01/12 - The group welcomes Dr. Jianlog Xia and summer students Maryam Yoon, Michael Gaschler, & Michael Campos.
06/13/12 - Congratualtions to Emma for winning the prestigious HHMI International Student Research Fellowship.
06/05/12 - Our paper on patterning biomolecules by block copolymer self-assembly appears in ACS Macro Letters.
05/08/12 - Emma's Highlight on Rozen's reagent appears in the Journal of Materials Chemistry.
04/30/12 - Helen's undergraduate researh project was highlighted by the berkeley science review. read more here.
04/16/12 - Congratulations to Helen for being awarded the National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship.
04/06/12 - Congratulations to Phil and Nevette for receiving Honorable Mention by the Ford Foundation.
03/30/12 - Helen receives the NSF Predoctoral Fellowship.
Phil receives Honorable Mention by the NSF Predoctoral Fellowship.
Congratulations to both!
12/08/11 - Music videos are in! Check out the CHEM 3443 link on the left menu to view some highlights of the submissions.
11/29/11 - Ketene precursors can be engineered to be activated at much lower temperatures than before! the compounds are described in the recent article published in Chemical Science.
11/18/11 - Check out the new paper, published in Polymer Chemistry, that describes the synthesis and processing of acid cleavable diblock copolymers.
11/11/11 - The group officially doubles in size.
Welcome: Nevette, Phil, and Helen!!
10/01/11 - The group welcomes Dr. Ryan Shade!
09/15/11 - Check out the new article in Langmuir describing a strategy for antifouling coatings.
08/19/11 - How do you make single crystalline ZnO nanorods, you ask? check out our recent paper published in J. Mater. Chem.
08/09/11 - The synthesis of Poly(allyl glycidyl ether) was reported in JPSA.
08/01/11 - Our paper on the dendrimer-templated assembly of peptide amphiphiles appeared in Nano Letters.
07/20/11 - Emma was awarded the Dow Chemical Fellowship administered by the American Australian Association.
06/13/11 - The group relocates to the new lab space on the 13th floor of the Northwest Corner Building.
06/08/11 - Our paper on the synthesis and properties of functional azulenes appeared in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
04/05/11 - Michael was awarded the NSF Graduate Fellowship